The symbol of Baby Grok2.0 Token is $BabyGrok2.0, and the total supply of $BabyGrok2.0 is 126,484,522,454,545.
The $BabyGrok2.0 was launched on Pancakeswap, and the buy/sell fee is 5%, including 4% for Marketing and 1% for LP reflections.
The contract is strictly reviewed, tested, and renounced after launch, and the LP was locked to December 10, 2024.
The $BabyGrok2.0 Token was deployed on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The contract address of $BabyGrok2.0 is: 0x7B4b8B99f3d693AB132A59Ebf6c930947D417936.
The $BabyGrok2.0 Token was launched of PancakeSwap, and the launch time of $BabyGrok2.0 is January 06, 2024 23:00.
The contract is safe enough. To ensure investor confidence, liquidity pool was locked to December 10, 2024 and the ownership was also renounced.
The $BabyGrok2.0 Token will be a crypto asset with high collectible and investment value. It has a strong and complete ecological planning, including NFTs, GameFi, DEFI, and online shop.
The $BabyGrok2.0 Token is an innovative digital currency initiated by the BabyGrok team. It has the same mechanism as the previous BabyGrok token and is participated by the same group of people, aiming to give investors who missed the opportunity before a new opportunity. The launch of $BabyGrok2.0 will be the pinnacle of Babygrook.